A review by mystic_dragon
Dawn with a Duke by Erica Ridley


I enjoyed this novella, but would have love to have read this in a longer format which allowed for the romance within it to develop a bit further, and to avoid the perfect clean ending that ended up happening! The romance between Belle and McAlistair was really sweet, and I enjoyed seeing how their initial 'meet-cute' unfurled to become a friendship and then into a love story. However, the primary conflict between them just resolved itself way too easily and quickly, and, as much as I hate OTT angst in romance novels, this novella could have done with a bit more drama in those last few pages, if only to make the story feel more plausible and realistic. I imagine it ended like this as like a Christmas thing, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, but I really do feel like the novella would have been strengthened by developing the story further with the parts after their time in the inn together, and a more realistic ending. 3-3.5 stars :)

This book was kindly given to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!