A review by whitneywillis20
Addicted to the Duke by Bronwen Evans


3 "meh" stars

This one really took some time to really get off the ground. I found the plot weak and a little tedious. Love triangles (kind of), weird plot twists and the most damn inner dialogues I've had to deal with in some time. I don't think I need pertinent background information told to me at 92% of the book. I felt like the author reminded the reader constantly why the characters felt and acted the way they did. Like bare bones to the point of annoyance. It was repetitive and more than a little annoying when I just want the actual story to get somewhere. The heroine was hard to like. Everyone was in love with her but I couldn't figure out why. She basically fell into the TSTL category. She was a weak character and some scenes were really hard to believe.

Ok, so this book wasn't for me. I felt it was entertaining, the last 50% but it could have been better.

** An ARC was provided through NetGalley for an honest review**