A review by sbn42
The Every by Dave Eggers


The exposé of how evil the future merged mega-tech corporation GoogaFaceZon really is.

It should be better. There are some frightening ideas that a couple non-conformists (trogs) try to use to show how truly bad for humanity Every is.

Delaney fabricates her past in an effort to work her way past the evil empire's interview process, then destroy it from within. The really distasteful ideas she and Wes try to inject are shockingly embraced and amplified to their utter dismay. False equivalencies abound: everyone accepts rules that you have to put smoke detectors in your new house for safety, so why would they be upset if we just turn on our home speakers to record your conversations, also for your safety?

Slight spoiler - I was just starting to get hope that the second explosion would finally open the plot, but alas, it was not to be. It limped from there to an obvious end.