A review by hannahbananali
Lost and Found in Johannesburg: A Memoir by Mark Gevisser


I feel like I know Johannesburg and all its depth, secrets, and value.

I guess I need to visit it now...

Gevisser is a well-known, critically acclaimed writer here in South Africa, yet I struggled with his memoir. Most parts I had to force myself through, while a small portion were enjoyable and informative. I feel that me being an American with all my ignorance, I couldn't quite appreciate its mastery as much as a South African could. My favorite part was most definitely the recall of the armed invasion and its ramifications for both the victims and the culprits - my hands were shaking by the end of it and I had tears in my eyes.

Really great commentary and navigation of the tricky waters of race, class, sexuality, and privilege in this challenging and beautiful country.