A review by toasavt
Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini


tldr relaytabool quirked up white boy mc drops 600$ on gpt-4 prozac to bag some theater girl
ez consumable teen boy angst y/a, read in one sitting. this is like my personal equivalent of that one tiktok girl hung up over reading a sappy ice hockey romance book instead of paglia (my paglia here would be like david foster wallace or some shit but thats neither here nor there).
read for some kind of nostalgia factor coz i loved the musical in middle school (jeremy heere laid the foundation for my future preference 4 ambiguously aspie lanklets i fucking realised while reading this). kinda funny to see the creative liberties the musical took ngl, was surprised to see book michael as a wmaf warrior. homeboy dropped too many weezer refs also. what was with the references with this thing? guess its indicative of da times so cant say much. i did love the 00s vibe in general tho so u win some u lose some.
ending sucked ass tho musical did it better.