A review by birdwithabrain
The Real Global Warming Disaster: Is the obsession with 'climate change' turning out to be the most costly scientific blunder in history? by Christopher Booker


This book is controversial. The title alone can make people start shouting and arguing as soon as I say I have read it. The fact that I give this book four stars will probably make a lot of people very angry. But let me make this clear: I don't necessarily agree with everything this book says. However, I think it makes a very convincing argument and is extremely well written, and it certainly gave me a lot to think about. Hence, I had to give it four stars.

Books like these are not only for people who don't believe in global warming. Sure, if you don't then you will probably love this book, because it provides a million and one reasons why the issue has been blown way out of proportion (in the author's opinion). But I think even those who do believe in human-induced climate change can gain a lot from it. To fully understand an issue, you have to look at it from both sides. The government and the media shoves the 'Global Warming Is The Worst Thing To Happen Ever!' side at as every day. This book provides a refreshing look at the other side, made up of cynics and scientists who don't necessarily dispute climate change, but do think that it has been grossly overexaggerated.

Don't read this book because you want to scorn at the counter-arguments for climate change. Read this book because you are interested in looking at both sides of a topical issue, then form your own opinion. I'm not saying that you'll like what it says. I disagreed with much of it and wondered at a lot more. But nonetheless, it was nice to gain a more balanced view by appreciating the other side.