A review by hannas_heas47
I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman


This has been an interesting author to read from in the past. She is definitely an outside the box thinker, and a cathartic writer. The synopsis of this book is definitely intriguing where three strangers become intertwined in a destiny of sorts. I have lost my way starts out with brief synopsis of the three characters, Freya, Harun, and Nathaniel. All three seem to be embarking on an identity crisis, and fate brings them together with a bang. Three totally different people brought together at a distinct moment in there life which is very similar. I’m eager to see where this book is going and how it’s going to play out for all the characters. The attraction between Freya and Nathaniel, Nathaniel seems to be struggling with something that has happened with his Dad, and Harun’s struggle with James. Very excited to see this book come out, thanks for allowing me the read.