A review by kstring
The Jewel by Amy Ewing


A good premise, but needs a lot of work.

The beginning was slow and I didn't understand anything (like what the surrogates are and what they do) until a third of the way into the book. I was very lost and confused up until that point and almost put it down on several occasions. The part that bothered me most, though, was the apparent bi-polar-ness of the main character. I couldn't get a sense of who she was or what her morals were since she made a lot of rash, last-minute, spur-of-the-moment decisions. Perhaps that's actually her character--if so, I don't like it.

The timing was off in this book; like I said, the beginning was slow, but the romance line moved *way* too fast. As in, Violet had never been interested in boys and then she sees one and can't keep her hands off him. The entire "falling into love" bit I love reading in books was probably a total of 3 pages. Very disappointing--no process. The entire romance part of the novel was completely unbelievable and I couldn't feel what the characters were feeling since everything moved too fast. Mostly, it was unbelievable. I'm still not sold on it; I don't think their love is legitimate.

Not terribly interested in reading book 2, but the last page may have me reading the next book to find out a certain character's motivations.