A review by morebedsidebooks
The Ice Princess's Fair Illusion by Dove Cooper


No, dear. If you’re going to tell it, 
Tell it loud. Tell it proud. 
That’s why I agreed to do this. 
I want to hear no more 
Of people like yourself 
Who needed words they never learned 
Because no one believed they were needed. 


A retelling in verse of King Thrushbeard Dove Cooper offers a queerplatonic sapphic tale of the princess Marian (alloro ace) and the queen Edel (pan aroace). While I love retellings of fairytales, King Thrushbeard was a story I hadn’t previously been familiar with. It makes a wonderful base for Cooper’s interpretation featuring asexuality and aromanticism. Instead of through pride, Marian rejects suitors because she can’t be herself. The world can’t seem to understand her. Cruel out of necessity she creates a façade to turn off anyone who might show interest. Edel, who previously had no designs of marriage either yet found herself wedded and widowed, spots something familiar in the princess. Especially as Marian’s vexed father makes a declaration that his daughter marry the next beggar to show at the gates. So Edel decides to make sure she’s in disguise and the first. Through magical help and amidst humble surroundings the two eventually find ways to communicate, the tale unfolding in this conversational winding way. 

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