A review by books4biana
Hex on the Beach by Gina LaManna


I'm on the wait list of what seems like LOADS of books. And I was out of current reads, so I went looking for something light that would be entertaining but not too captivating to put down once one of those long awaited books came in. I think it was a success story.

This is a very fluffy book that looks to be part of a much larger story. At the end I felt that I had read chapter one...with so much more left to be resolved. It's a story of a young woman who suddenly finds herself kidnapped (not really) by long lost aunts and delivered to a magical realm where she is to learn mixology...being the greatest and most powerful mixologist of all time. Of course there is a love interest, but they decide that it's not right for them to be involved so they decide to be friends only. And someone is trying to kill her.

None of those points is resolved. The reader is just introduced to this magical isle, the whacky family that resides there, and the potential story lines that are to come. I doubt that I will continue reading, the mysteries are not that great. But....this is important, I enjoyed the light and fluffy read.