A review by becsa
Honor by J.L. Drake


Major Mark Lopez works for Blackstone and when a mission goes horribly wrong he finds himself in a hospital in North Dakota. Mark overcame a rough past with the help of Abigail and Cole but now his past has come back and Mark doesn't know if it will ruin any chance he has of happiness.

Mia Harper has come to North Dakota for a second chance and after leaving an abusive relationship. Yet as Mark and Mia begin to get closer she seems to understand more about Mark's job than most people.

As Mark and Mia begin to get closer will their respective pasts cause them to lose each other and more than they ever anticipated?

This is another great book in the larger series and I am so excited for this particular series and a greater look into Blackstone.

I really liked Mark and his upbringing made sense to why he chose a career in the military as a way of escaping and beginning again to a certain degree. I liked that he followed Cole into the military as they had a super strong friendship after everything Cole's family did for Mark in the past.

Mia was a great character and through the book you slowly learn what she is on the run from and certain other things make sense once we get farther in the book. Initially I didn't really understand her relationship with Kenny but later things are revealed which then makes everything clear.

The stuff in Mark's past was heartbreaking but something definitely didn't sit right with me and I really didn't like Manuel. I hated how Manuel expected Mark to clean up his mess even though he was the younger one. At a certain tense point things are revealed and I was both surprised and not surprised at some of the things that were revealed but I was glad that Mark found peace.

I totally understood why Mark was so mad that Mia for what she kept from him as it was huge. I was sad for both of them as it was obvious how much they cared.

I was happy when Mark was given the all clear at the end of the book and he went and got Mia!!!