A review by hstapp
Betrayal by Aaron Allston


It's been a few years since the vong were defeated, but the galaxy's troubles are not yet over. The galactic Alliance is having trouble with Corellia. Corellia desires independence, but how they're going about it causes a great deal of strife.

I have some issues with the Grim Dark path that the Star Wars legends books started to go down. There's always been strife, there's always been evil, people have died, not main characters, but people have died. Yes that's all true.

I think it's an attempt at realism, yes people die, heroes die, heroes struggle. But I miss the optimism, the hope. Struggle is fine, but it should drag everything down into a depressed mess and smother and bury hope. Also if you want things to be more realistic do better at including women, poc, and aliens as characters. Especially as main characters, but there are so many humans in these books it drives me wild.

Speaking of which some attempts are made with that in this book. It includes guards referred to as she and people referred to as dark skinned. However it's done in a way that assumes that white male human is the standard, the norm. Every time someone kills a woman(they're mostly killed same with the black characters) it sticks out like a sore thumb.

So that's it the stories okay, it's a little wild and out there for your typical star wars book. I'm generally okay with that, though this was a little clumsier and packed in than I'd like. And it made an attempt at being more diverse that I didn't think was executed well, but overall. Yeah it was okay. I liked it well enough.