A review by avalinahsbooks
The Swish of the Curtain by Pamela Brown


I was so excited to write a review for this one! The Swish of the Curtain is strangely both as relevant as ever, and slightly dated at the same time. But it's a wonderful read! First released in 1941, it talks about timeless things such as ambition, talent and... your parents not letting you do what you want with your life. Then again, something that has been written back when my grandmother was born has to be dated in some ways too, and they're not surprising. But let's talk about good things first!

If I had to place this book, I would say it's somehow both middle grade and YA. I think that's got a lot to do with the fact that children's age was understood very differently back then, and they had freedom where we don't right now (like walking around alone and doing whatever you want with your time), but also didn't where we assume we will have freedom now (pursuing a career we want, for example). All of these things that have changed or, on the contrary, stayed the same, are interesting to compare with today's times. And the main messages stay the same!

What's still relevant and inspiring in this book is that it's about kids with ambition and direction – and it's about kids who are willing to fight for their chosen career, instead of what their parents think would be a safe career for them. I don't know if this is a problem many teens still face today, but even if they don't, the topic of going forward to reach your dreams and figuring out your direction is a great one.

Come and read the full review here:

I thank the publisher for giving me a free e-copy of the book through Edelweiss in exchange to my honest opinion. Receiving the book for free does not affect my opinion.

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