A review by invormation
Fix Your Period: Six Weeks to Banish Bloating, Conquer Cramps, Manage Moodiness, and Ignite Lasting Hormone Balance by Nicole Jardim

hopeful informative medium-paced


I didn't know anything about the author before reading - I'm just desperate for period symptom and pain relief. But I think knowing the author can help see their perspective and bring light to anything maybe overlooked can be helpful to read an informative book like this. I was left with a sour taste in my mouth after looking up this author on social media. 

Despite saying she's fine with plant-based eating in the book, on Insta her account is very against vegans, she recommends following frankly trash accounts who share debunked "facts" about meat and veganism, and is flippant in the comments, pinning only those who agree with a high-meat diet. Alone, I would not care at all, but when you're writing a book like this, claiming that plant-based diets are fine if they "work for you", it's not a good look. 

For instance, on the topic of soy, she glosses over it by saying that you shouldn't consume soy milk or tofu because they're GMO. (Something I gave the benefit of the doubt of, because I already buy non-GMO soy as there are no other options, and maybe she was just keeping her info concise.) No info on why GMO is bad, first of all. But if she shared any actual research, you would know that most consumer soy IS non-GMO, and that most soy grown is for livestock feed, which is where those high GMO numbers come from. It's misleading, and worse, it doesn't tell us actually good information - what other research is there to say soy is bad, besides just, "GMO"? It doesn't really say, but it feels like she just wrote it off because of her bias against veganism.

This is one example of why I don't feel like I can trust her as a health writer -- which is devastating as someone who's truly looking for non-biased evidence-based help with medical issues doctors refuse to look into. Just disappointing. 

I'm going to keep reading and working through this book, however, because it does bring attention to so many issues in a way I haven't seen before, and I really want to get help! Just take the information with a heaping grain of salt.