A review by trike
Adventureman, Volume 1: The End and Everything After by Matt Fraction


I get the idea but I’m not sure I was following the story completely. The outlines of it, sure, but some of the specifics are unclear. Some of that is Fraction holding things back for later reveals, but a big part of it is Dodson’s storytelling. Everything is splash pages and beauty shots, which is great for pin-ups but not so much for conveying a sequential story.

Fortunately it gets better by the fourth chapter when Dodson stops creating jumbled pages where you don’t know which order to read the panels and settles down and just tells the story in a straightforward manner. It also helps that this is where Fraction brings many of the loose threads together. Frankly, that saved this book from getting a 2-star rating.

So we have a Doc Savage clone, Adventureman, and a team that mimics Savage’s team, which has created a superserum which allows you to do things mere mortals cannot, and see things invisible to others.

Pretty sure the ultimate takeaway is that drugs are good. Specifically steroids and LSD.