A review by bibliophilebookclub
The Second Captive by Maggie James


Massive thanks to Maxine at Booklover Catlady and Maggie James for my copy of this book!
Having not read any books by this author before I didn't really know what to expect but I was pleasantly ( if you can write that about a psychological thriller!!!!) surprised by this book!

The Second Captive follows Beth, an eighteen year old girl who is abducted and held by a man for two years. She subsequently escapes! This book goes between present day and the events of the two years she was held captive.

Written in alternative views from Beth, her captor and her mother, we get the different thoughts from each. I found this style of writing really good for this book as you get into the minds of the victim and her captor as well as the emotional turmoil her mother and family faced as well.

We know that Beth escapes, so that's not really a spoiler. The reader learns that Beth will have to attempt to adjust back into normal life, away from the rules, control and punishment she had grown to accept from Dominic, her captor. You would think that the story would finish dramatically with her escape and subsequent return home.

It doesn't.

Maggie James has done a great job of enhancing the story in the aftermath of Beth's return. We learn more from her mother, Ursula, and we also gain emotional insight into Dominic's state of mind once Beth has left him. Stockholm syndrome is the psychological term for what Beth has experienced and the way it is portrayed in the book is interesting.

There were many questions left unanswered for me when I finished this book, but all in all I enjoyed it! I gave it a solid 3 stars on Goodreads.

My thanks again to Maxine and Maggie James!

Happy reading!