A review by sjj169
Hard Cash Valley by Brian Panowich


So I got denied this one from Netgalley. I cried like a big old baby and got to begging. Luckily I got a copy of it before I had to break out my moves.

Because dammit man this type of book is my absolute favorite. (This author is a total favorite of mine since I first read the first word of his)
Panowich takes the reader back to my beloved North GA mountains and we return to [b:Bull Mountain|23398919|Bull Mountain|Brian Panowich|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1417982638l/23398919._SY75_.jpg|42955428].

However, we aren't going back to that same family. He took a gamble and I'm so glad! I LOVED how this turned out. The story starts off with a loser dude running to Florida with a ton of money. As the story unfolds you realize that dude probably did some underhanded stuff to come across said money. Turns out he did. He ends up in not such good health as the result.

Then we get to meet Dane Kirby, an GBI agent that just happens to be from my favorite neck of the woods. He gets called in by the big boys to assist with this case.
All things end up back in the mountains and we find out that those mountains still have some shady stuff going on.

So back in the day I was dating this dude and we ended up at a place that is described to perfection in this book. My girlie butt was not happy with the situation and some "Deliverance" jokes were made nervously. My then date decided that really wasn't the place for my big mouth and we got the heck outta there. The area and the atmosphere is described perfectly. I'm glad that my big chicken butt got out of there before the kinds of things that happen in this story went on.

Anyways. I LOVED that the author took a chance and just didn't return to the same Bull Mountain. I'm ready for his next one!
I did receive an reader copy of this book in return for nothing. I fangirled it all on my own.