A review by lavendermarch
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Christina Lamb, Malala Yousafzai


This book was very, very good. It was written with a strong sense of voice, and educated me on several issues I wasn't well informed on. It was also quite inspiring, and I am in awe of Malala. I sincerely thank her for writing this book, because it has sharpened part of my mind, and the way I see a part of the world.

The book started out a bit slow, as there was lots of history of Malala's area and culture, but it was still pretty interesting, and her love for her home definitely shines through. Then the book picks up, and you're pulled right into the dangerous, harrowing events that surrounded Malala for a lot of her life, mainly the influences and actions of the Taliban, and also of the government and overall political atmosphere and situation in Pakistan. As I said, it was very interesting, and I could definitely feel some of the emotions she must have been going through.

Looking at Malala's story as a means of education about the Taliban and recent Pakistani politics, I think that it completely gave it a face and a name, rather than a conflict occurring somewhere in the world to someone else. It humanized it, and also made it easier to understand and consume.

I definitely want to reread this book at some point in the future, and reflect on everything in it more. This review hasn't given it justice, but I would highly, highly recommend it, not only to understand what's occurring in Pakistan, along with of course Malala's story and the incredible importance of girl's education, but also just to read a very well written book.