A review by lilyn_g
Fury by Joan De La Haye


I’ll admit to a bit of initial distaste towards this book that showed itself soon after I started reading. Simply put, drug dealers and drug users (much like alcoholics who are unwilling to seek help) disgust me. They’re right below rapists, pedophiles, and child killers in my book. Still, even with that bias in my head, Joan De La Haye’s Fury was almost impossible to put down.

The imagery in Fury is graphic. There is no skirting around the violence that happens. There’s everything from detached dangly bits used as gags, to a spirit stalking around on stumps. The worst parts of heroin withdrawal are splashed across the page in all its fetid glory. It’s not a book for the weak stomached or easily disturbed. De La Haye’s easy and unflinching display of the explicit brings to mind the more interesting (and disgusting) of Richard Laymon’s work.

This is a story of vengeance sought and delivered. A young woman’s spirit cannot rest with the atrocities committed against her. Her insane rage knows no bounds, and that is how a young girl – Alice – finds herself in the mix. She’s survived by wit and will, and even found herself caught up in an attraction that makes no sense. It is perhaps her very survival which puts her in the spirit’s path of devastation.

Fury is the definition of paranormal horror in the violence that the vengeful spirit wrecks, but it is made even worse by the evil acts of humans. The two together combine to make a story that horrifies even as it entertains. I wouldn’t recommend Fury for everyone, but instead for people looking for a bit of a darker read than they usually get.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this work from the author in exchange for an honest review.