A review by barefootsong
Danger at the Drawbridge by Mildred A. Wirt


Another fun mystery with Penny! Although, in this one, Penny and her friends from the Star are rather horrible reporters (horrible in that they refuse to respect someone's wish for privacy and instead constantly trespass and harass the family).

I think there was only one casually racist comment in this one, so that's a huge improvement over [b:The Vanishing Houseboat|6316101|The Vanishing Houseboat (Penny Parker Mystery Stories, #2)|Mildred A. Wirt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1290798769l/6316101._SX50_.jpg|6501345].

Also, wow, $10 a night was the rate at a super fancy hotel.