A review by madamemidazolam
Dying to Live, by Kim Paffenroth


3.5 stars

I had mixed feelings with this book, especially at the beginning.

What I disliked:

The characters. None of them were really memorable in my eyes. They all seemed to lack personality and I really didn't give 2 shits if they were eaten by a zombie. I want characters that stick out in my head and that I can easily root for. These characters all seemed to be a carbon-copy of one another, just with different names and histories. Only 2 characters stood out in my mind.
Spoiler Frank, because he actually seemed to posses emotions and he was easy to root for and relate to. It just was too bad he was only present for like 30 pages before being murdered. Then there was Copperhead, who only stood out because he was a major douche-nozzle. Again, he is only around for about 20 pages.

The theology. Ok, I know Kim is a theology major and I respect that. I just didn't expect to stumble into such subjects on a horror novel. Religion isn't my thing, and I do respect and admire his views in this book, I just... it doesn't click with me as much as other viewers. It was a very interesting twist on the world of zombies though and Kim put a lot of thought into the why's and how's of a zombie apocalypse. Not many authors approach these questions, and those who do don't touch on it quite as much as Kim.

What I liked:

The gore! OMG OMG OMG! This author is so descriptive and disgusting, and I love it! I could clearly picture each disfigured, rotting zombie he described. So nasty, yet so much more enjoyable then the normal hoo-hah most zombie authors write about. This guy is so descriptive. So descriptive. Just. Oh. Em. Gee.

The action scenes. Because with a descriptive author like this, they are bound to be GOOD.

Well, kiddies. It is late, I have strep throat, and my bed is calling my name. End of the review. I will definitely be finishing this trilogy.