A review by moris_deri
The Edgar Allan Poe of Japan - Some Tales by Edogawa Rampo - With Some Stories Inspired by His Writings (Fantasy and Horror Classics) by Edogawa Ranpo


Story #1 ~ 3.2* Short fairy tale with elements of folk horror. Told almost hastily when it could have been fleshed out with more details.

Story #2 ~ 3.4* A psychological sci-fi horror involving a "mad scientist" reminiscent of [a:Roald Dahl|4273|Roald Dahl|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1311554908p2/4273.jpg]'s [b:The Sound Machine|9818007|The Sound Machine|Roald Dahl|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|14708499]. The horror elements not told well enough I think.

Story #3 ~ 4.0* Extreme horror with a somber, sad tone. I like the concept. Reminds me of this film called "Tusk" featuring Johnny Depp.

Story #4 ~ 3.6* A historical fiction set in the Straits of Malacca. I was surprised to see this story in this collection as it clearly is a great departure from the horror genre. The story itself is dull, but made better by the weird English.

Story #5 ~ 4.2* The best story in the collection. There's two surprises at the end. The first one is predictable, so I probably shouldn't call it a surprise. But the second surprise made me smile. A good story, although rather difficult to believe.