A review by misspalah
GILA: A Journey Through Moods & Madness by Hanna Alkaf


I shelved this book under the education because Malaysians seriously need to be educated especially in the mental health issue. Recently, there's quite few of suicide and homicide cases due to the depression, bipolar disorder and any other mental health disorders. Unfortunately, majority of Malaysian especially among Malay Muslims community dismissed mental health disorders as 'tak kuat iman' or 'tak bersolat' or any other snide remarks which did not help anyone and further causing people to not seek help due to the backlashes from the society. This shouldn't happen in the first place. I rated this 5 stars because Hanna Alkaf outlined and wrote this heavy topic in such a leisure and chill manner. There's a stories shared by the mental health patients and a compilation of facts and cases of the mental health disorders. If you want exposure in a concise manner about mental health, choose and read this book.