A review by mehsi
Flotsam & Jetsam by Carrie Ryan


Flotsam & Jetsam is another story in the world of The Forest of Hands and Teeth. This time it is about the time when everything started. When people started to get eaten, when the world was still for most part alive and filled with people. This time we are on the ocean, in a raft, all alone.

We have 2 characters, one infected, one healthy. They are stuck on a raft after their cruise ship got attacked by the illness/zombies. They have seen their friends getting eaten, getting killed. Most of the time they talk about pre-raft time, about kisses and love.
They also talk about what our healthy guy should do when the infection will spread and turn his fellow raftfriend. Of course, like always it is a simple promise to make. Sure I will kill you, but through the story and as things progress you will find out that it isn't an easy choice to make, to just kill someone, even if they aren't human. And while the story was quite short, I think that part was really well done.

The ending, mm I am not so sure what I thought about that. It was ok, but also a bit disappointed, though again, also expected. We know what happened to the world and how many people are still left.

All in all, a good short story, and really recommend to those who enjoyed the Forest of Hands and Teeth books, or those who want to start with the series.