A review by olivianoack
How to Lose a Bachelor by Anna Banks


**2018 Reread: I decided to reread this on a whim. I just remembered it being a really quick and fun read and I wanted to let myself indulge in that for a couple days. It really is a super fast read and the plot just helps it to fly by. Anna Banks does an awesome job at creating characters that I'll root for and super hot love interests that I want to ship. The narration of this was also a lot of fun. Rochelle has so much anger and Grant really is trying hard to reconcile their relationship. I can easily compare this to a lot of other YA books out there (The Selection) but it didn't even matter. I was invested and enjoyed myself the whole way through.

**2016 - Original review:
I actually whizzed through this in less than a day. That was seriously a whirlwind of emotions. I knew going into this that it would be a quirky, funny romance, because it is Anna Banks, and I can expect nothing less from her. Often high expectations aren't fulfilled but How to Lose a Bachelor fulfilled all of them and gave so much more.
I immediately fell in love with the characters and their backstory and it made the story go by so quickly. Usually, I don't feel very attached to characters from standalone books, but man, this was so different. I got mad with these characters, I got mad at other characters, I felt their joy and all the heartbreak. They felt so relatable and I loved it.
At first, I kept comparing this book to the selection because they both have the basic idea of a man choosing a girl to be his wife. The Selection is way more traditional though and that is mainly because it was a prince, and you know, there aren't any rebels attacking the girls on the show in How to Lose a Bachelor. It just felt way more modern simply because it was a dating show.
I really liked the way that the book ended though. Things were not looking good, and Anna Banks wrapped everything up in a way that didn't make it feel rushed. Also, I feel like this book did not need an epilogue, but it did and I ended up loving it. Honestly, I was crying by the end of because it was literally the cutest thing ever. I was thinking in my head that I need an epilogue like that for every single one of my OTP's. Very cute and fast read that I definitely recommend.