A review by margaretpinard
The Black Presidency: Barack Obama and the Politics of Race in America by Michael Eric Dyson


Challenging read. Leaned a lot on Obama's main tactic of scolding black folk, but also addressed black rhetoric, Obama's unique position, other black leaders' take, and pivotal moments in Obama's term where things changed, or lessons hit home. I'm more well-rounded after reading it.

+ 226 "I have something that rhymes with bucket list" 249 "a legacy of hundreds of years of slavery and segregation, and structural inequalities that compounded over generations. It did not happen by accident." thought-provoking 253 "What's always been strongest about the civil rights movement has been when it said, yes, there is a unique problem here that arises out of race and slavery and segregation. But when you lock us up, you're imprisoning yourself in some fashion. When you deprive that child of opportunity, you're weakening yourself."
-207 'the demand for proof of what they believe is not foolproof' confusing sentence