A review by lesread
Gone South by Meg Moseley


(Check out the review on my new website!)

4.5 Stars
PG for smoking and kissing scene
Recommended to 13 & up (appropriate for most ages)

I usually can not stand talk about being from the north or south. Maybe it’s because I was born in Maryland and yet raised in North Carolina; hearing talk about whether things are done better in the north or in the south.

However, I was willing to give a novel about the south a chance and hoped it wouldn’t be littered with exaggerated southern accents and slang until I barfed. There is a way to say, “Y’all,” without it sticking out like a sore thumb. Or maybe that’s my southern side talking.

This book was surprisingly well written, and I am impressed that Gone South was only Meg Moseley’s second book. I found myself hoping Tish would stick things through and find her place. I enjoyed her character and seeing a more realistic side to her; rather than always having things together or being an emotional wreck, she was a good balance.

About forgiveness, Gone South builds on this message and pushes toward reconciliation even when you are the only one trying. The characters were imperfect, sometimes hard to like, but they kept on fighting for love and acceptance.

It is also noteworthy to add that I think the cover of Gone South is beautiful, and I smiled when I finally realized where it fit into the story.

Honestly, I spent most of the book waiting for something to happen between Tish and George.

I was worried that the book would turn into a typical Tish can’t get past her hurts, relationship is ruined, they go their separate ways, then get back together and make up. Or even worse that NOTHING would happen. Thankfully, Meg Moseley took everything in stride.

You should read Gone South, especially if you’d like to try a southern novel without drowning in sweet tea. It’s a wonderful story, has some great character interactions, people who will get under your skin in a way only a good story can, and I believe you’ll be cheering on alongside them– hoping for love, forgiveness, reconciliation… and a happy ending. I recommend Gone South!

DISCLAIMER: I received this eBook for free from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.