A review by 600bars
Berserk Deluxe Volume 3 by Kentaro Miura


Ok. That was so intense. I doubt any of my usual goodreads friends read these but big cw for basically anything fucked up you could think of like rape torture incest skull shattering etc etc because this whole volume was a LOT. And spoilers of course. I ran up the stairs and spent like an hour discussing this with kai so I fear my reviewing might be limited because we already talked about so much. The first volume of the 3 in this book was maybe a 3 stars because it was mostly a battle that I was not too invested in. But the second two...HOLY SHIT!!!! I am SO glad we have sprung for the deluxe editions because it was such an immersive experience. Though this did have translations on the sound effects which the regular editions did not. I found distracting and took me out of it so I learned to ignore them.

I LOVE CASTLE INTRIGUE!!! I like this series because it has a very good balance of supernatural elements and character interactions. With a heavy focus on characters. The respect and bond and development of Casca and Gut's freindship/comradeship/mutual respect was so well done. I can't even think of a sex scene I've ever read that goes through so many emotions. They went through such a roller coaster in that scene and pretty much achieved every type of vulnerability you could have with someone. First she tries to kill him because she's so mad, but then she realizes he will LET her kill him, so there you have the intensity of.... allowing yourself to be killed? Then she tries to jump off the cliff and he saves her, and then they have their first sexual experience which triggers a major flashback and then Guts is more vulnerable than EVER and explains what just happened (though he does not tell her that he was raped, he just tells her about Gambino and implies it). It was just so well done, in that scene and throughout the volume with the way they earned respect for each other and cared for one another.

Griffith fumbled the bag!!! I could not help but make GOT comparisons throughout this volume. Obviously minister foss does not have Varys's finesse. The Queen was similar to Cersei in that she thinks of herself as a schemer but is only playing 3d chess while Griffith is in 5d. Griffith himself is as if Petyr Baelish was as magnetic and good looking as he is manipulative. If Baelish had been this sexy he would have been way too powerful. Griffith also possesses Daenerys's ability to inspire loyalty in the people she commands. And they have the same hair. The fact that this series is willing to include extremely fucked up royal incest rape scenes is something I havent seen anywhere other than GOT. That scene was excruciating to get through and may cause nightmares.

I love Jeudau (I can't spell) for being the emotional intelligence therapy guy of the group. He does a lot in helping Guts examine himself and he is also a good support for Casca. He's an angel. Even though Corkus is annoying for being a negative nancy, I think his character is very important for always bringing a dose of reality and perspective. Like, all the Hawk members are about to achieve mega class ascendancy that most people where they come from could never dream of. The fact that Guts is willing to throw it all away for an abstract dream is insulting and also insinuates that none of these other people ever had their own dreams that were crushed by circumstance. I liked when he said "you think youre the only one who had a fucked up life?????????"

But the thing is all 3 sex/rape scenes do not feel egregious because they are given so much weight and miura perfectly encapsulates how each character involved is feeling in the moment. Especially with Guts and Casca. In most sex scenes in movies or books its just like "and then they had sex" and they never really talk to eachother, meanwhile they had crazy vulnerability going on as I went over earlier. It's funny that I just read this book that was about trauma responses after sexual assault and while it was good, this digs in so much deeper (easier to do when you have 40 volumes I guess)which is not what I expected from a fantasy manga. Yea overall this one really stunned me and having the deluxe edition made it quite an ~experience~.

Overall a 9/10 for this volume, taking away 1 because the beginning volume was a bit underwhelming. But you need underwhelming parts to get climactic parts so maybe that's still important! Idk im reeling from this i guess it must be a 10/10!!!!!!!!!!