A review by travelingbibliophile_
City of Vicious Night by Claire Winn



If you enjoyed City of Shattered Light, then you’re likely to also love this thrilling and action-packed sequel. 

I read the first book in this duology last year, and thought it was really fun, so I was super excited when I received an arc of this book. 

Through this book we get even closer to the Boomslang crew as we see them trying to defeat their enemies, while also running for the throne of the matriarchs. Claire Winn did an amazing job writing all the characters, and I really adored all of them a lot. 

The worldbuilding in this book (and the duology as a whole) was super interesting, and I loved learning more about how everything worked. 

This book had a lot of amazing representation and diversity in terms of not only sexuality, but also race and disabilities. 

Thank you to NetGalley and Flux for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange of an honest review.