A review by peridotpages
Dead Man's Eye by Shaun Jeffrey


Dead Man's Eyes
Author: Shaun Jeffrey
Characters: 3 out of 5
Plot: 4 out of 5
Overall: 3 out of 5
Format: e-book (on Kindle)
Source: Provided by the Author

Description: (Amazon.com) Blighted by an eye disease, Joanna Raines undergoes a corneal transplant operation to stop her going blind. The procedure is successful, but in the weeks that follow she begins to see dark coronas surrounding certain people. She turns fearful that something has gone wrong and worried that she's going crazy, Joanna searches for an answer to the phenomena.
What she finds will change her life forever. The transplant has opened a door in her mind, and the strange coronas are not legacies of the operation but proof that a legion of demons plans to invade the earth!

Now the only thing that stands between the demonic horde and their plot to take over the world is Joanna, a young woman with the power to see them for what they really are.

Seeing is believing.

The demons are real.

Joanna just has to convince everyone else before it's too late.

From My Point of View: I don't know how I feel about this book. It was certainly an interesting read. The author did a great job of making the novel gripping from start to finish. At the end, I found I was more depressed than satisfied with the ending. I was really disappointed with how Joanna managed to kill the demons considering it had little to do with her. I was happy to see Lincoln involved, but I wish he had more understanding of the situation.

I was also really depressed by those who were killed. This is probably why I don't read too much of the horror genre; I hate when people die. By the time Joanna was in the facility at the end of the book, I really just felt awful for her and her circumstances. And then to see there were still demons around... Ugh. I like clean, happy endings and this ending was anything but that.

All things considered, the ending did wrap the book up nicely. I knew what happened with everyone and was satisfied in that respect.

I guess my overall feeling with this novel was depressed. If you're a horror fan, I'm sure this would be right up your alley. If you're more of a romance girl like myself, than this is really not for us.