A review by sarahs_bookish_life
Edward Unspooled by Craig Lancaster


Edward Unspooled is the third book featuring Edward Stanton. To understand Edward more, I would advise reading 600 Hours of Edward and Edward Adrift before reading this one.

Edward is such a wonderful character. He is someone that the readers take to their hearts immediately. I was so pleased to discover that Edward is now married and expecting his first child with his wife.

The story is told between Edward and Sheila in the form of a diary/notes to their unborn child. This made the whole story really endearing. Edwards entries were so bitter sweet. Due to his Aspergers it does make some of what he writes quite funny. It did feel though that he was constantly being told off by Sheila which I kept feeling quite sorry for him.

Even though Edward is now well into his forties, he is still very much treated as a child by his mother and his wife. As much as his wife wants Edward to stand up to his mother, she is constantly telling him what to do also. As much as I didn’t really like this about Sheila, overall you can tell what a good influence she has on Edward and more than anything you can see through these entries just how much they both love each other.

The whole story felt like Edward finally growing up and I was like a proud parent on the side lines cheering him on. He seems to learn so much more than just becoming a parent and I so enjoyed his journey of self discovery.

Edward Unspooled is just a wonderful read. Edward has vast become one of my all time favourite characters in a book. With each book my heart gets bigger with the pride that it is literally bursting with. He feels like he’s not only the authors creation but the readers also and I so hope that we haven’t seen the last of him.

Sweet, heartfelt, inspiring and an all round great read.