A review by michellesantiago
Nailed Down by Eden Butler, Chelle Bliss


Real Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Originally posted on Undeniably Book Nerdy book blog:

I was super excited to pick up Nailed Down because I love the sound of it! A friends-to-lovers story involving a sexy bucket list? I was like, sign me up! Also, I have never read anything by Chelle Bliss nor Eden Butler so I was hoping I'd also get new authors to love.

Basically, I had pretty high expectations going in. They weren't entirely met, but I did enjoy Nailed Down and I am looking forward to reading more of Chelle Bliss and Eden Butler's other books whether solo or co-written.

Kit Carlyle and Kane Kaino have known and worked with each other for five years on a home renovation show on TV where Kit is the host and Kane is the head hottest handyman in the crew. After Kit's cousin/best friend/the only family she had left passed away, Jess leaves her with a 10-item bucket list that included things like going zip lining, whale watching, and singing in front of a crowd--things that Kit had always been afraid to do--as well as more sexy ones like getting a toe-curling/moan-worthy kiss and "have sex with someone other than yourself." With a list like that, Kit knew that she needed help and the only man who could help her was Kane.

Kit and Kane had always been mutually attracted to each other, but have never clued the other of their attraction. But, with Kane agreeing to help Kit with her list and finding himself falling deeper for her, he may have to risk their friendship for something more.

Kit and Kane were a fun couple and I liked watching their friendship grow into something more. I am a huge fan of the friends-to-lovers trope, and Nailed Down delivered in that aspect. Kit and Kane had great chemistry and with a half-naked man on the cover you'd think these two would be jumping into bed right from the get go, but it actually took a bit to get there. But, when they got there it was hot!

I guess my biggest issue with Nailed Down was the fact that Kane was so blatantly based on Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. It's no secret--the authors dedicated the book to The Rock for inspiring the hero. This wouldn't be a problem if I am a fan of The Rock, but I'm decidedly not--he's just not my cup of tea. It was very hard to separate Kane and give him the usual "blurry face" that all characters have when I read books (no matter how descriptive the author is when describing any character) when Kane is very obviously The Rock. I know this issue might not be a problem for others and fans of Dwayne Johnson even welcome it, so this is completely personal.

I liked that the first person POVs switched between Kane and Kit. I liked knowing what the other was thinking and their reactions to what was going on. I did like Kit's chapters a bit more probably because of my Dwayne Johnson issue, but I thought her chapters read a bit more cohesively than Kane's. However, overall, Nailed Down was a fun, entertaining friends-to-lovers read.