A review by jonetta
Her Temporary Hero by Jennifer Apodaca


Originally posted on The Book Nympho

Quick summary
Becky Holmes is struggling to make ends meet for her and her 3-month old daughter, Sophie, but she's pulling it off. That is until her abusive ex-boyfriend (and the baby's father) gets an early release from prison and threatens her safety and plans to get custody of the child he doesn't even want. Her boss provides her a temporary place to stay in her cousin's cabin. See, Logan Knight is supposed to be out of town for awhile but, as luck will have it, returns that same night.

The issues
Logan is a former Marine suffering from PTSD as a result of his last mission in Afghanistan. He's working for a private security firm, Once a Marine, and is looking to create a refuge on his portion of the family's Texas ranch for other veterans who are suffering from the same syndrome. Unfortunately, his father made him sign an agreement years ago that returns the land to him if Logan isn't married by age 30, which will be in the next three months. He needs a temporary wife and Becky needs a temporary husband to maintain custody and have a safe place to live.

What I liked
In spite of her circumstances, Becky was resourceful, never giving in nor looking for a handout. She and Logan fit well, not just because of the outside demands bringing them together. While the story tips more on the romance scale, it still had enough suspense to fit the genre, especially with the threat always being in the background. I loved their romance and how Logan's PTSD issues were portrayed, nothing over the top but a realistic view of how debilitating the syndrome can be. He's an honorable man, trying to do the right thing in spite of his issues.

The bottom line
I enjoyed the story for its likable characters, sweet romance and underlying suspense. Though it's part of a series, it really can be read as a standalone as the characters from the previous story don't have substantive roles in this one.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)