A review by tricky
The MacLomain Series Boxed Set by Sky Purington


There are times with the Amazon Kindle that taking a chance with a cheap offer can really pay off as you find a gem of a book, then there are times when reading can become a slog. The Sky Purington, MacLomain series started with great hope and expectation based on the previous reader’s reviews. The blurb for the books seemed interesting and could be quite different. The reviews by readers for this series were positive on Amazon. I thought the books would be some interesting distraction reading. How wrong was I!
There are four stories in this series, one novella and three novels, all deal with magic, time travel and big strong Celtic/Scottish men wanting some feisty women. Look you know what you are getting with this series of books. There is no mystery, no doubting where the ending is and what it will be. What really counts to make the books work is great characters and great sexual tension. Plus there also needs to be some good solid writing and it has to believable.
The characters come across rather well and they all have their strengths and weakness. You find yourself frustrated by the characters and enjoying their growth. What made me struggle with this book was the writing and the lack of a really good editor. To be honest there was moments when I wanted to gag on some of the descriptions ‘A mist of loving surrounded Erc and Chiamara and brought them through what would have been many turns of the moon in a moment, though no time passed on Earth.’ I know the author was trying to create some ethereal sense of the world she has created but there need to be pruning of the overuse of the adjectives. For example ‘Torment magnified the verdant intensity of those sensual eyes.’ I had to look up verdant to find out it is green. Then there was the description of Arianne riding Iain like a banshee. Sorry but a banshee wails when death is approaching so the romance of the moment was kind of lost. I could give you a stack of these but after a while you become tired of reading great tracts of verbose prose that does not propel the story forward. The other thing that amused me as I read the books was the wind, as it did a lot of whipping of hair, clothes and whatever else was lying around.
I could not get into the books at all; I found the use of adjectives overwhelming and it made reading a real chore. There will be people who love this style and I appreciate that. For me it did not work and that is a personal choice. If you are into the romance, highland flings then this maybe your cup of tea, it just was not mine.