A review by medusax0
Grayson, Volume 1: Agents of Spyral by Juan Castro, Stephen Mooney, Tom King, Guillermo Ortego, Jonathan Glapion, Carlos M. Mangual, Mikel Janín, Jeremy Cox, Tim Seeley, Andrew Robinson


Dick Grayson. He's been a trapeze artist, he's been Robin, he's been Nightwing, and now the former boy wonder is Agent 37.

First and foremost I have to say that Dick was never my favorite Robin - that title belongs to Jason Todd. I think the main reason why Dick has always been pushed to the wayside for me is because I never really got to know him, until now. And while Jason will always be number 1 in my eyes, Dick is definitely a close second now.

As I said before I have never really gotten to know Dick, other than a couple episodes of Teen Titans and Young Justice and him popping up in a few issues that I've read. Which made a little worried about jumping into this volume without any prior knowledge from Kyle Higgins New 52 run of Nightwing or Forever Evil, but thankfully you can read and enjoy this volume whether you have prior knowledge or not.

What I Loved:

I loved that the we get a little background on Dick Grayson and learn quite a bit about him without it being overwhelming and drawn out. I also loved that as soon as we got the background information we jumped straight into the action. There is never a dull moment in this book; It's all action, jovial banter, espionage, and great writing! Tim Seeley's writing in this volume was fun and engaging. Seeley was able to create a Dick Grayson that was similar to what we have seen in the past, but yet different and fresh. I absolutely loved that Seeley incorporated that very complicated yet lovable relationship between Batman & Dick. Another thing I loved was Helena Bertinelli. Oh God, I love Helena so much it's ridiculous! I adored the way she interacted with Dick, I can't wait to see how this relationship progresses! I also enjoyed that each chapter focused on a different target, it was interesting to read about the backgrounds of the targets and watch as the assignments are completed.

What I Didn't Like:

I only have one little problem with this book, actually it's pretty big but not enough to bother me too much. That one problem is Spyral. I know that this is just the first volume and we aren't going to get all the answers right now but, I just don't understand Spyral. Spyral was created by Kathy Kane as a way to keep track of superhumans (and they're doing a great job, btw) but while reading this I couldn't fully grasp of they're the bad guys or if they are just kind of good. I think for Grayson to be absolutely perfect, Spyral's distinction has to be clear.


Grayson is a light, fun, and action packed. Filled with comedy, espionage, great artwork and strong characters. Though it has some kinks, it's nothing that can't be ironed out as the run continues. I recommend this to anybody who is interested in a light, entertaining, spy read!

Thank you to Edelweiss and the publishers for giving me a digital copy to review.