A review by soup72
Anyone by Charles Soule


Get ready to suspend your disbelief

The idea of being able to jump from your body into someone else is a great premise for a story. Unfortunately this author didn’t do much good with that premise. From the beginning I had to suspend my disbelief because the way the transfer happens is so unbelievable. I managed to get past that and really enjoyed how he made each chapter jump back and forth from the past to the present. But then I had to start suspending disbelief at how lucky the hero got at just the right time to keep going. I know a little bit of luck at the right moment can make for some great stories but when it happens too much it will ruin the story. I also thought for someone so smart and who had so many years to plan their revenge they overlooked a lot of things that would have made their life a lot easier and would realize their mistake at the last moment. I kept hoping the ending would be the payoff that would save this story for me but it didn’t. It seems like maybe the hero has done something that will finally change the world for the better as long as you don’t think about it even a little or you’ll see how easy it would be for the bad guys to just fix it.