A review by kitten_nuisance
Cat Daddy: What the World's Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me about Life, Love, and Coming Clean by Jackson Galaxy, Joel Derfner


Umm, I thought this would be "a quick, light read" to take a break from heavier reads. . .
Not sure why I thought this, as it's obviously about addiction, and animals are an emotional topic for me. . .
This was like a Laura's Greatest Fears book! O____O It would have gone by pretty quickly, but I had to keep putting it down because I was too upset and/or crying.
The one thing it did do that I had anticipated was that it made me like Jackson Galaxy. Something about him on his TV show rubbed me the wrong way (possibly the simple fact that his name is Jackson Galaxy), and I knew that if I learned more about him as a person and his life, I would like him. He's very nice! Maybe not the next Pulitzer winner, but a genuinely good person.
Oh, and I also learned some cat things from this book. It's really not a book that primarily sets out to teach you about cat behavior, but I did get some new "crazy cat person techniques" for my toolbox. ^_^