A review by iffer
Agent of Change by Sharon Lee


The best part about this book is definitely the turtles.

This wasn't bad, but I wouldn't recommend it, unless you're hankering, like I was, for something reminiscent of entertaining-but-somewhat-campy late 80s and early 90s sci-fi TV. I could just imagine the fashion of that time while reading this book. I could see myself falling in love with this universe and reading the bunches of books that exist in its universe when I was younger, though.

The main characters are thrown together after fleeing from different threats to their lives, and the story alternates between the action of them being chased and downtime that I think is supposed to be romantic? I never felt much chemistry between the characters, and I never really bought the love-at-first-sight as portrayed in the book. However, I did appreciate that the characters were presumably supposed to grow closer together through talking and learning more about each other. There are also no sex scenes despite the aphrodisiac space ship drive (yes, this is really a thing), which I appreciated, but which other readers might be disappointed by.

I also didn't like how the male lead was an expert odds calculator/advance alien scout/assassin/spy, and the female lead...had nice hair? The characters weren't super deeply developed, but I think that the authors were trying to portray the characters as two-of-a-kind in the sense that they were both kind of cool, self-reliant, improvise-out-of-tough-situations people, but Miri came off as the young, unpolished country girl while Val Con is the cultured angsty experienced guy.