A review by chrissireads
The Mistake I Made by Paula Daly


I’ve made no secret of the fact that I love Paula Daly’s writing. I absolutely devour her books and The Mistake I Made was no exception. The only thing that prevented me from giving this book the four or five star treatment was that I was a little let down by the ending. It wasn’t as powerful as I had anticipated. That said, The Mistake I Made was still an engaging, although bleak read. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and found it hard to put down!

The Mistake I Made centres around Roz, who is a single parent living with her son. Roz’s waste of space husband has left her in a lot of debt and Roz’s life is spiralling out of control. Her son is getting into trrouble at school when he’s trying to help his mum out. Roz is offered an opportunity to get money which she can’t refuse, but knows is not ‘right’. Poor Roz has situation after situation go wrong. It’s like she can’t catch a break!

I’m sure a lot of readers are going to be able to relate to Roz’s situation, even if they don’t quite take the steps that she decides to take to help her out. I think a lot of readers will understand Roz’s dilemma. I think, like many Paula Daly books, this book offers great discussions to have with other readers. It would be a perfect book club choice because it brings up moral dilemmas, and we all know people love to discuss moral dilemmas!

Paula Daly’s writing is so easy to read. She sure puts her characters in tricky situations and it’s exciting to read. I love how her characters are always flawed. She never writes a ‘perfect’ character and I respect that. Who’s perfect anyway?! There were so many times that I wanted to get into the story and tell Roz to stop making such awful decisions, but at the same time, I could totally understand her desperation. I wasn’t sure where the story was going to go, so I kept turning the pages to find out more.