A review by melgonvyn
Canto Bight (Star Wars): Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, by Mira Grant, Rae Carson, Saladin Ahmed


Really fun little read!

Just four little stories that happen somewhere in the galaxy. New characters introduced in each story and each author has done a great job in presenting and making the characters lovable very quickly considering it’s short stories. I loved each story. But I also loved how they reference each other making the reader realize that these events are somewhat happening in parallel. Congratulations to the authors for coordinating their stories together!

A fun read for Star Wars fans, and anyone who would like a little more insight about the new City Canto Bight (on planet Cantonica) presented in the recent Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie.

I think it can also be a fun read for any science fiction readers out there that aren’t hardcore into the Star Wars books in general. These stories are really stand alone events from anything else in Star Wars.