A review by slc333
Elysian Fields by Suzanne Johnson


This hovered between 2 & 3 stars for me because while I enjoyed the story itself I was immensely disappointed by the romance element. DJ has a plethora of men in her life yet it has been clear from book 1 that her sometimes partner, Alex was the one she wanted. Sadly he is the one I like least ( well I dislike Rand more)
Spoiler imagine my joy that it these 2 that end up closest to DJ
Spoiler. In each book Alex flirts with DJ and acts interested til she responds then he blows her off. This pattern is repeated again only it is worse cause this time they have actually gotten together (rather than just toying with the idea) then he blows her off after she has
Spoiler been kidnapped and mind raped by elves. He acts angry, punches Rand for kidnapping her, talks about how what happened is basically rape then huffs off and wont pick up his phone. Way to support your partner and girlfriend through her traumatic experience asshole!!
Spoiler I honestly think Jean is MUCH better for DJ. There is lots of talk about how he always has an agenda and never does anything for nothing but he is honest with DJ and is ALWAYS there for her when she needs him. Mostly I like DJ but I was extremely annoyed by her when she
Spoiler bonds with Rand. I understand why she might make that decision in the end but she does it immediately taking Rand's word for everything even though he has been stalking her, kidnapped and took her to the elves who mind raped her and has been using her best friend. STUPID. She could have at least spent a day or too researching and thinking about it.