A review by bookgoblin83
Because We Are Bad: OCD and a Girl Lost in Thought by Lily Bailey


OCD isn't cute. It is hard, debilitating, it can dominate your entire life. Having struggled with OCD myself, I was curious about this memoir, and oh boy, did it deliver! I wish everyone who says "Oh, I am a little OCD too! I like to line my books by colour!" would get a chance to read this book so they can understand the disservice they do to those whose lives are turned upside down by their thoughts. At the height of my own struggle with OCD, I would start preparing to leave my house hours in advance, as I knew I would make several trips back in order to check I hadn't left the oven on, the door open, the water running, the cat trapped in the bathroom. It was absolutely painful. But like the author, I eventually sought help, and despite ups and downs, things are under control, but I have to remain very vigilant. A great read, highly recommend it.