A review by emmys143
Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks


I don't even know how to wrap my head around this book. I'm so shocked I can hardly write this review right now.

Nothing beats a great romance story, and this one was particularly interesting. Theresa Osborne is a thirty-six year old mother raising a 12 year old on her own, working as a columnist for the Boston Times. Garrett Blake is a thirty-two year old scuba dive instructor who lives in Wilmington, North Carolina.

These two meet after something miraculous occurs. Theresa went on vacation with her friend/boss, Deanna, to Cape Cod. One day while she was jogging on the beach, she ran into a bottle containing a message; the beginning of her quest to find Garrett.

After Deanna convinced her to publish the letter in her column, two more letters surfaced from others. Theresa and Deanna did some digging and found out who Garrett Blake was and Theresa decided (with a little persuasion from Deanna) to go to North Carolina and meet this man of many words.

Garrett Blake lives right on the beach side, teaches scuba diving classes, and owns his own diving shop. He also rebuilt a wooden sailboat, named Happenstance with his deceased wife, Catherine.

Garrett and Catherine were married for six wonderful years. Three years ago, she was taken away by a driver not paying attention. Garrett has been alone ever since. Until one day, when he notices a beautiful woman on the dock looking at Happenstance. The rest is history from there.

This book was written very well. I really liked all the emotions that coerced me to read more quickly. Garrett and Theresa's relationship flourished very quickly throughout the pages, you could tell they were in love instantly.

In my opinion, Garrett was an interesting character.
Spoiler I found him very clingy and childlike. The way his actions were described when Theresa and him were apart made me find him very childlike. I know that he has been through some very rough times and Theresa was his first relationship since Catherine passed. However, I did not like how clingy he was. He stopped going to work even when Theresa was in Boston, and to me that is a bit obsessive. To me Garrett was a tad bit creepy. He was romantic and sweet, don't get me wrong, however I also found him a little to clingy.

Even though I thought of Garrett this way, I did not expect the ending of this novel.
Spoiler I CANNOT BELIEVE NICHOLAS SPARKS KILLED GARRETT! I DON'T THINK I'VE EVER BEEN MORE UPSET WHEN READING. I understand that they would not have been able to make it work, but couldn't you just let them not be together instead of killing off his character? Was that really necessary? I don't think so! I also don't like the way he was killed off. He was killed off doing something for Catherine. The whole reason Theresa and him split up was because of Catherine and how Garrett had still not moved on. I know Garrett was being symbolic and letting go of Catherine with the last letter, but I am just heart broken that he was killed and his boat went down with him. He was finally able to get closure and what does Sparks do? He kills him. I was not expecting this ending at all and I was highly appalled when I read it. I had to stop reading for a little after Jeb Blake said "He's gone." I just couldn't get over the shock that I felt.

Besides these few things, Message in a Bottle was a decent read. I really liked how the words flowed on the page and were very easy to get lost in, kind of like a storm at sea. I would recommend this book for a good summer read, its pretty fast paced and very hard to put down.