A review by canada_matt
Encyclopedia Brown Gets His Man by Donald J. Sobol


Neo and I finished the fourth collection of Encyclopedia Brown mysteries. These stories allow the reader to see Encyclopedia and those close to him in action as they solve crimes and expose all the criminals of Idaville, USA. In this collection, Encyclopedia looks into a blackmailed coffee grinds smoker (gross, I know), a vehicle that crashed into the ocean, and even a ghost haunting an old house. These five-minute mysteries are perfect for any time of day, though Neo and I found them perfect for a before bedtime stumping. Some stories have easy answers, while others left Neo and I scratching our heads! Great reading for people of all ages, particularly those who are closet sleuths.

Neo mentioned that he really likes the stories, as they keep him thinking. I remember these stories were read to me when I was young as well, helping me become the problem solver I have become. He thoroughly enjoys listening to the stories and making an effort to uncover the clues that will help solve the cases. He mentioned that these are perfect stories for parent-child reading, but would be great for a good reader when they have time or are on a road trip.

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