A review by threeseagrass
Between Gods: A Memoir by Alison Pick


A really beautiful memoir about depression and finding yourself through religion. [a:Alison Pick|291125|Alison Pick|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1407264602p2/291125.jpg] writes so beautifully and creatively that you can't help but live along with her, through her depressions, troubles during pregnancy, and journey toward finding herself.

For someone who has never been very religious, I'm always very interested in others' religious journeys, and Alison tells a heart-wrenching tale about her journey toward Judaism and how her family's past has called to her all her life. The history of her family, from their time in Czechoslovakia to Auschwitz to Canada is terrifying and somewhat surreal.

If you enjoy memoirs with a World War Two background, religious focus, and depression underlying it all, this one is for you.