A review by cherryredsreads
Filthy Rich by Raine Miller


Blackstone Men = Total Hot Swoon worthy Book Boyfriends that will forever be on Your Top list!

Okay, so now that I have stopped drooling over these men after reading this book, I can compose myself to write this review.

Caleb Blackstone drew me in with his story. Raine Miller gave us such an enticing story of Caleb Blackstone and Brooke Casterley.

Brooke is such a strong heroine and I felt that she was the prefect balance to Caleb.

Their story is filled with love, humor, and sexy moments that will leave you breathless. It's a classic Raine Miller style that I have enjoyed and always look forward to reading. Yes Cherries were Swooning all over the place because the Blackstone men know how to romance the ladies.

You will fall in love with these characters story.

Such a memorizing book that you will add to your collection.

Go 1 click!

It's a must read!
**ARC kindly provided by Author in exchange for an honest review***

5 Cherries Popped