A review by loverofromance
The Viscount in Her Bedroom by Gayle Callen


Louisa Shelby, once enjoyed a life full of parties and balls, but after her father died, Louisa and her two sisters were forced to find a means of providing for themselves. So Louisa decided to be a lady's companion. Now she has been requested to do a job as a companion to an elderly viscountess, only never expecting to find that she isn't really expected to be a lady's companion at all, since the Viscontess hardly needs one, but her granddaughter, is in desperate need to overcome her shyness around men especially. But there is also Simon Wade to consider, who after a accident with his horse, became blind. So now its obvious that she is there to help both of the younger wades, even though they don't know it. Louisa however never expected to fall in love with this man, who has stolen her heart from the first.
The Viscount In Her Bedroom is the last in the Sisters of Willow Pond written by Gayle Callen. I just love this author and I have loved this series, its such a tender filled romance, and even though I have read this before, its one of those that I could re read and still delightfully enjoy it. The Viscount In Her Bedroom is a story that involves two people that have both suffered, but in very different way, but they share a passion and as the story develops we see a enchanting love blossom. Such a beautifully written story with such detail it seemed at times that I was actually there in the moment, the characters were lively, and the story line very enticing, and before I knew it I was finished with the book. From beginning to end I was fully satisfied, and absolutely adored it!!!

My Favorite Quote
" I love you Simon, and I would be proud to be your wife. You see inside me where others only see what they want to see. You make me feel so precious and loved."
"Not damn near enough, and that will end right now" He drew her into his arms and kissed her.