A review by vivianne
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera


Spoiler free review!

Note: This book was in many ways not for me. That’s why during listening to the audiobook I kept getting bored and distracted and due to this could have missed details of the story. This might have affected my opinion.

- I despised one of the brothers soooo much. I never actually have this, I always see some good points in characters, especially when I’m in their head. But this was just on a whole other level. I really hated him. Self-centered, full of himself, better than anyone, jealous, could only see the negative of everything, pulling the whole world down and himself up, making mistake after mistake and never saying sorry or owning up to them. He was like a five year old not getting his way, the whole freaking book! Every time I was reading his POV my eyes were hurting from the amount of eye rolling I was doing. But my biggest problem with Brighton was that he was too fame-hungry. Which was besides super annoying to read about also something that I can’t identify myself with, making it hard to feel for him and understand him.

- I did like the other brother but he wasn’t enough to save this book. And he was also quite boring, super naive, too forgiving and not defining enough.

- I hated that the “bad guy” of this story wasn’t very well explained. There were no motives explained, no background story. Well a tiny bit but that didn’t convince me. This made this book very flat in my opinion and made me not care about it at all.

- The plot just wasn’t for me to be honest. I had expected a fantasy world, but instead I got some weird urban super hero story. I am just not into superheroes, it’s not my cup of tea. But furthermore I am just not very much into social media and the way this world was centered around it. And since these two things are so much at the center of the plot and the world it was just not for me and contributed greatly to me not liking this as much. Plus that the story kept repeating itself over and over. How many times can someone get kidnapped by the same person? Three? Four? But also the plot was not structured well, there was not a very coherent story line that made all the events tie together. A little fight here, then there. At least there was action, but in my opinion it was about nothing? Plus that the story was very unoriginal and quite cliché. I have read it before; "someone getting powers and being hunted by another group, and the bad guy being power hungry".

- I also missed humor in this book. There were no jokes and no funny characters.

- I didn’t care for the side characters and anything surrounding them. They were all underdeveloped, flat and kind of boring. And that was really weird because most of them had awesome powers. I kept mixing them up, couldn’t remember their powers, found their background stories (If they were there) unoriginal and saying nothing. I didn’t care about any of them and would have liked them to die just so I could feel something. With some characters I had no clue what they were even doing in this story since they were just there, e.g. the mom and the best friend I can’t even remember her name. I also didn’t care for the multiple pov, and found all characters pretty much the same.

- The world was, besides not really my thing, also very underdeveloped and unclear. Like is it present day life? But with super powers? What made these powers manifest first? All of the sudden there are phoenixes. I did like that aspect but besides stealing their power they were not really mixed into the story that well. I want to love something and be attached to it and I just wasn’t in this world. The magic was besides very unoriginal and quite boring, not explained very well. What are the limits? What kind of powers are there? They are inherited? How? What is the difference between a spell walker, blood caster, celestial, Spector, halo knight? What the hell are these wands? What do they do? Anyone can just use them? Where to buy?It was all very unclear and also not my thing with the things that were there. But also the “normal” things that were there were not well explained like their flat for example or the neighborhood or city. There is so many information about Brighton’s channel and the amount of likes, subscribers and viewers he has, why is that included?

- The twists were predictable, unsaying, not defining, boring and not my thing. Read it a 100 times.

- In the end this book did get to where I wanted it to go, and hoped it would go. And this certainly explains a lot about a certain character and his actions. But for me it was a little bit too little too late (this literally happened in the last sentence).

I don’t recommend this book, please save your time or read something better. And I will not be continuing with the series.