A review by jandi
Drowning in Amber by E.C. Bell, Eileen Bell


This is much grimmer than [b:Seeing The Light|23262076|Seeing The Light (Marie Jenner Mystery #1)|Eileen Bell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1411403283s/23262076.jpg|42576365], with Marie and James unintentionally stumbling onto the darker side of Edmonton while deciding to keep his PI business alive. The characters, including newly deceased Eddie, are better developed; I liked how Eddie was able to provide a 3rd party view about the other characters that one would otherwise not get from listening only to Marie's point of view. I really enjoyed watching Marie grow, although sometimes it was quite frustrating. The addition of the book club, as well as the interaction with Marie's best friend lightened up an otherwise grim story.

And the ending... whaaaaaa?!?!?!

Very interested in seeing where the story is headed on the next book.