A review by stellar_raven
Secrets of a Scandalous Marriage by Valerie Bowman


*I won this book through Goodreads FirstReads Giveaways.*

Actual rating 2.5 stars

This book...was just not my cup of tea.

I found I could not really care for either the hero or the heroine all that much as they didn't feel like three dimensional characters to me. The hero was too perfect at first (and by the time that facade cracked a little, it was too late), and it never bodes well for the heroine when her most defining trait seems to be her beauty. I am not sure more than five pages went by at a time when we weren't reminded how exquisite she was.

The book was slow to get going, but did get much better during the middle sections, before losing me again at the end. I think the murder was resolved way too easily and too soon, and the last quarter or so of the book was a bit too melodramatic with the push and pull between the H/h for my personal taste.

And...I'm actually pretty good at suspending my disbelief when reading, but there were instances in this book that really strained that ability. The whole ball thing was the biggest one. It totally took me out of the story.